Category: information


How to Choose Between Two Top CandidatesHow to Choose Between Two Top Candidates

Finding one great candidate can feel like a win. When you have two to choose from, though, count yourself lucky. It’s a nice problem to have, however, you still need to make a decision. How can you choose? Here are some tips to help you in the process.

Keep culture in mind.

When you have two candidates who are equally strong in terms of technical abilities and skills, make sure you’re considering your company culture and their personality. Which do you think would mesh well and enhance your culture and the team? This can often be the difference maker, so you can choose the right person for the opportunity.

Look at past experiences.

Take another look at their resume and look through your notes from the interview. Is there a certain project, skill, or accomplishment that makes one candidate the better choice over another? Or, perhaps one candidate had a unique perspective or different experiences that could add value to your team and the company.

Evaluate soft skills.

While communication, creativity, and collaboration might not be the most important requirements for the job, they are still key. Make sure you’re assessing the soft skills of each candidate when you decide. Did one seem like the better communicator or another come across as a creative problem solver? These are other strengths to take into account and can help you make a choice.

Consider the company’s future.

Are there new markets you want to serve or different services you’d like to offer? If one candidate has experience in these areas, then your choice suddenly becomes a no-brainer. When you keep the company’s future goals and objectives in mind, you can make better hiring decisions that help you achieve them.

Assess their work quality.

If you’ve though through all these different factors and are still stumped as to which candidate to hire, give them both a short work assignment. This will help you to evaluate their ability to meet a deadline, as well as their skills in action and the quality of their work.

Need more help hiring for your team?

At Provisional Recruiting, we can make the process so much easier, so you can focus on other business priorities. Contact us today to get started.

Provisional | How to Choose Your Candidate

Choosing A Business VoIP Service: Your Practical GuideChoosing A Business VoIP Service: Your Practical Guide

Choosing a business VoIP service can be overwhelming, with many options. To simplify this decision-making process and enlighten shoppers regarding costs and essential considerations, we’ve crafted a comprehensive guide. Without delay, here are the pivotal factors to consider in selecting the optimal VoIP provider for your business.

#1 Know Your Business Needs vs. VoIP Features

Many shoppers often rush into exploring VoIP phones without first outlining their specific requirements from a VoIP phone system. This tendency often prolongs their research and leads to confusion during decision-making.

Consider the scenario of Carrie, a business owner seeking to transition from a traditional phone service to a VoIP system for cost-effective customer support operations. Then that means Carrie’s initial needs from a VoIP system include an auto attendant, call routing, and multiple business lines. Other features can be considered secondary or nice to have.

To better understand what a business might require from a VoIP phone system, it’s crucial to familiarize oneself with its standard features:

  • Video Conferencing: Facilitates face-to-face virtual meetings for seamless collaboration among clients and employees.
  • Auto Attendant: An integral feature directing callers through voice prompts to navigate various departments without live assistance.
  • Softphone: A versatile app allowing calls and messaging across devices with internet connectivity.
  • Call Forwarding: Redirects calls to alternate extensions or different numbers during high call volumes or busy lines.
  • Call Analytics: Measures agent performance, call sessions, and other metrics crucial for enhancing customer service and informed decision-making.
  • Business Text Messaging: Enables SMS functionality directly from the VoIP platform.
  • Voicemail-to-Text: Transcribes voicemails into SMS texts for convenient access.

By knowing the standard features, shoppers can compare the advanced features of different VoIP systems.

#2 Your Budget Vs. VoIP Costs

Determining a suitable budget for monthly VoIP expenses is crucial in adopting a VoIP phone system. The average monthly cost of VoIP systems is $25-35 per line, which can be used to estimate your budget. However, understanding the breakdown of costs associated with acquiring a VoIP phone system can clarify budget size.

Installation Expenses

The installation cost often hinges on the number of users or lines essential for your business operations.

  • Per-User Charge: Installation fees are based on the number of employees utilizing the VoIP system.
  • Per-Line Charge: Ideal for businesses handling high call volumes, this method calculates installation costs based on the number of phone lines required. 

Subscription Costs

Subscription expenses can be structured annually or monthly.

  • Monthly Plans: These are suited for small businesses, offering flexibility with minimal commitment. However, long-term costs might be higher compared to annual plans. 
  • Annual Plans: Lower overall costs than monthly plans but may involve contractual obligations and potential early termination fees.

Additional Expenditures

Several supplementary costs could impact VoIP expenses:

  • Advanced Features: Premium plans often incorporate advanced functionalities, contributing to increased overall costs. Assess the value of these features against their added expense.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Enhanced subscription plans incorporating integrations may entail additional costs.
  • Bandwidth Upgrade: Evaluating bandwidth needs based on call volumes is crucial. Optimal performance usually requires around 100 kbps of upload and download bandwidth per line.
  • Regulatory Fees: Charges associated with system maintenance, updates, and upgrades.
  • VoIP Taxes: Tax rates can fluctuate based on business location and phone number usage.
  • Termination Fees: Clearly outlined in contracts, these charges are incurred for premature contract cancellation. Understanding and assessing the potential impact of these fees is vital before commitment.
  • Watch Out for Freebies: While some VoIP service providers offer free phones as part of their monthly subscriptions, it’s imperative to ascertain the quality and capacity of these devices, especially their ability to support multiple lines, as these freebies often only support up to 2 lines.

#3 Your Business’ Customer Experience Relies on Your VoIP Provider’s Customer Support for You

The caliber of customer support offered by your VoIP provider directly influences your customers’ perception of your business. Thus, prioritizing a VoIP provider with prompt and knowledgeable customer support becomes paramount. Key factors to consider include:

  • Multiple Support Channels: An efficient VoIP provider offers diverse assistance channels, from email and chat to responsive phone support.
  • Out-of-Hours Availability: Some providers may emphasize a knowledge base comprising video tutorials and FAQs, while others opt for outsourced customer support, ensuring accessibility beyond standard business hours.
  • Reduced On-Hold Time: While some VoIP services utilize call routing across agents, evaluating the time spent waiting before connecting with a live representative is crucial.

#4 What Platform Tools Do You Need to Integrate with Your VoIP Phone System?

Most VoIP phone systems have inherent integrations with various third-party platforms, including email, fax, and SMS. However, certain businesses may require additional integrations to sync their diverse platform tools with VoIP phone systems. These integrations might encompass:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration: Integrating CRM software enables tracking data such as phone call sessions for enhanced customer interaction and relationship management.
  • Cloud Storage Software: Cloud storage solutions facilitate archiving communication records such as phone calls and video recordings for easy access and reference.

#5 Compare VoIP Security

VoIP technology transforms voice into data packets transmitted over online connections. This presents vulnerabilities that VoIP providers aim to address through robust security measures. Here are some key security protocols offered by VoIP services:

  • End-to-End Encryption: Ensures data is encrypted at the sender’s device and decrypted solely by the intended recipient, ensuring secure transmission.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enhances security by implementing multi-step login procedures, requiring additional information beyond passwords to prevent potential data breaches.
  • Firewalls: Deployed to detect and block malicious data that could jeopardize network security, safeguarding against potential threats.


A young woman working at her desk.

What VoIP Providers Do You Have in Mind?

When deliberating on the right VoIP provider for your business, it’s crucial to differentiate between essential features and those that are merely convenient. A clear understanding of VoIP costs sets realistic expectations for your investment in a system. Moreover, the chosen VoIP system should seamlessly integrate into your operations. Therefore, heavily compare each provider based on integrations, VoIP security, and VoIP uptime. Click below for more information. 

F2F Telecommunications | Choosing A Business VoIP Service

Navigating the Complexities of Being a Landlord in the UKNavigating the Complexities of Being a Landlord in the UK

In the ever-evolving landscape of the UK property market,being a landlord presents both lucrative opportunities and significant challenges. With changes in legislation,economic fluctuations,and the shifting dynamics of the rental market,landlords must navigate a complex array of factors to ensure their investment remains profitable and compliant with current laws.

The Rewards of Property Investment

The allure of property investment in the UK is undeniable. Real estate has long been seen as a stable and tangible asset,offering potential for capital growth and a steady income stream from rental yields. For many,the idea of investing in bricks and mortar is a tangible way to secure their financial future,with rental properties offering a passive income that can supplement salaries,pensions,and other income sources.

Understanding Legal Obligations

However,the path to becoming a successful landlord is fraught with legal responsibilities that must be meticulously observed. From ensuring properties meet safety standards to navigating the complexities of tenant rights,landlords are bound by a comprehensive legal framework designed to protect both the property owner and the occupants.

Key legislation includes the need to provide Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs),adhere to gas safety regulations,and ensure electrical installations are inspected every five years. Furthermore,the introduction of the Tenant Fees Act in 2019 has significantly impacted landlords’ ability to charge certain fees,affecting profitability and operational procedures. A directory of landlord services can be found here.

The Impact of Recent Changes

Recent years have seen a tightening of regulations surrounding the rental market. The proposed abolition of Section 21,which allows landlords to evict tenants without a specific reason,is set to redefine the landlord-tenant relationship,potentially making it harder for landlords to manage their properties effectively.

Moreover,the introduction of stricter energy efficiency standards aims to push landlords to make significant investments in their properties,ensuring they meet minimum energy performance ratings. While these changes aim to improve living conditions for tenants and contribute to environmental goals,they also impose additional costs and challenges for landlords.

Financial Considerations

Financial management is another critical aspect of being a landlord. Beyond the initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs,landlords must navigate tax implications,including income tax on rental earnings and potential capital gains tax on the sale of the property. The reduction of mortgage interest tax relief has also impacted landlords,altering the financial viability of many rental investments. Keeping an eye on UK house prices is vital.

The Role of Support Networks

Despite these challenges,support networks and resources are available to help landlords manage their properties effectively. Landlord associations,legal advisors,and property management companies can provide invaluable advice and services,from staying abreast of legal changes to handling day-to-day tenant interactions and property maintenance.

Looking to the Future

As the UK continues to face a housing shortage,the demand for rental properties remains high,presenting ongoing opportunities for landlords. However,the future of property investment will likely be shaped by further regulatory changes,economic factors,and evolving market dynamics.

Successful landlords will be those who adapt to these changes,prioritising tenant welfare and property standards while managing their investments wisely. As the rental market continues to evolve,being informed,adaptable,and proactive will be key to navigating the complexities of being a landlord in the UK.

In conclusion,while being a landlord in the UK offers substantial rewards,it also requires a deep understanding of legal responsibilities,financial management,and market trends. With the right approach and support,landlords can navigate these challenges,ensuring their investment remains both profitable and compliant in the ever-changing landscape of the UK property market.


Navigating the Waters: The Life of a Landlord in the UKNavigating the Waters: The Life of a Landlord in the UK

Being a landlord in the UK is a role that comes with its fair share of responsibilities,rewards,and challenges. From understanding the legal framework and maintaining properties to dealing with tenant relations and navigating financial complexities,the journey of a landlord is multifaceted. This article delves into the various aspects of being a landlord in the UK,offering insights into what it takes to succeed in the rental market.

Legal Responsibilities and Regulations

The UK’s legal landscape for landlords is comprehensive,aiming to ensure fairness and safety in the housing market. Landlords must navigate a maze of regulations,including the Housing Act 1988,the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985,and recent updates like the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018. These laws cover everything from deposit protection schemes and property licensing to mandatory safety checks for gas,electrical installations,and fire safety. Understanding and adhering to these regulations is crucial for landlords to avoid penalties and ensure their properties are legal and safe for tenants. A directory of landlord services can be found here.

Financial Considerations

Financially,being a landlord involves more than just collecting rent. Landlords must be adept at financial planning,accounting for mortgage repayments,property maintenance,insurance costs,and potential periods of vacancy. The tax landscape for landlords has also evolved,with changes to mortgage interest tax relief and the introduction of a 3% Stamp Duty Land Tax surcharge on additional properties. These financial pressures require landlords to be savvy,often seeking the advice of financial experts to navigate tax efficiencies and ensure the profitability of their rental investments. Keeping an eye on house prices is vital.

Tenant Relationships

A key aspect of being a landlord is managing relationships with tenants. Effective communication,responsiveness to maintenance issues,and a fair approach to rent and tenancy agreements are vital. Many landlords opt to use letting agents to manage their properties,though this comes with its own costs. The eviction process,particularly under Section 21,is a contentious issue,with proposed reforms aiming to provide greater security to tenants while challenging landlords to ensure they have valid reasons for ending tenancies.

Market Dynamics

The UK rental market is dynamic,influenced by factors such as economic conditions,housing supply,and demographic shifts. Regions vary significantly,with areas like London experiencing high demand and high rental yields but also facing intense scrutiny over rental prices and living conditions. Landlords must stay informed about market trends,adjusting their strategies to remain competitive and attractive to potential tenants.

Sustainability and Future Challenges

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the rental market. The UK government’s push towards energy efficiency,including proposals for landlords to improve their properties to meet higher Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings,presents both a challenge and an opportunity for landlords to invest in their properties,potentially increasing their value and appeal.


Being a landlord in the UK is a rewarding yet challenging venture that requires a comprehensive understanding of legal regulations,financial management,tenant relations,and market dynamics. With the landscape continually evolving,particularly with regards to sustainability and tenant protections,landlords must be adaptable,informed,and proactive in their approach. For those who navigate these waters successfully,being a landlord can be a lucrative and fulfilling investment in the UK’s housing market.

Building Resilience in Times of Crisis: Strategies for Business Continuity and AdaptabilityBuilding Resilience in Times of Crisis: Strategies for Business Continuity and Adaptability

“The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus.

This saying is most valid for the unpredictable and dynamic world we are in today. The business world is also not exempted from this level of change; therefore,organizations should prioritize adapting and thriving if they desire to stay prosperous for a long time. Each moment you run your company,you will face good times and crises. Even the best company management experts,like Grant Kelley,faced such ups and downs. But what matters most is building resilience in such critical times. This article exposes you to viable strategies that will help you keep your business running and resilient,stronger,and prepared for future challenges. 

1. Build an All-encompassing Business Continuity Plan

This strategy is one of the initial steps toward developing tenacity. The business plan should be detailed,containing the necessary measure to ensure the company’s operations can continue without being halted by challenging times. A business continuity plan should identify vital business functions,potential risks,and contingency plans to counteract those risks. For instance,a manufacturing organization may launch substitute production facilities or secure backup suppliers to mitigate disruptions in the supply chain in Adelaide,Australia. 

2. Embrace the Digital Revolution

Our decade’s advancement in digitalization has transformed the business environment,allowing companies to adapt quickly and effectively. When you welcome innovations like artificial intelligence,cloud computing,and agent-based technology,you can considerably improve your business’s continuality. For example,during the pandemic in 2020,firms that had already adopted remote work policies and utilized tools for digital communication were primarily prepared to transit easily to remote activities. 

3. Foster Agile Decision-Making

Making swift and informed decisions is essential when your business is in critical condition. Companies should cultivate a lifestyle of quick decision-making,supporting workers at all levels to own their responsibilities and make prompt decisions. Your business can respond proficiently to changing circumstances when you encourage cross-functional collaboration and empower your work team to be resilient and free to experiment. An ideal way to achieve this is by empowering the employees in charge of customer services to handle customer issues independently,minimizing response time and improving customer satisfaction.

4. Invest in Employee Training and Well-being

The fact that employees are the backbone of any company is undeniable,as their resilience is essential for business sustainability. Committing resources to employee training programs that nurture adaptable skills,like critical thinking,problem-solving,and IT competence,can better their ability to explore challenging conditions. Also,when prioritizing the health of your employees by rendering flexible schedules for their work,providing mental health support,and encouraging work-life balance can boost confidence and performance.


This article must have shown you how critical building resilience can be in a business crisis. While you build a continuity plan,embrace innovations,foster active decision-making,invest in employee training,and so on,ensure you stay positive during such difficult times and be assured of overcoming those obstacles just like Grant Kelley and other CEO did. 

For more information: Grant Kelley

How to Calculate TAM SAM and SOM: An Improved Method with Neuron360How to Calculate TAM SAM and SOM: An Improved Method with Neuron360

The Advantages of Calculating TAM,SAM,and SOM with Neuron360

To get TAM,you’ll need up-to-date data to see your potential customers and actual market size. You must know specific data of your target clients,such as the industry,industry segment,company size,and location. This is where Neuron360 comes into play.

The Neuron360 is a database for professional and company profiles worldwide. All data are GDPR-compliant with near real-time updates. The following information can be found:

60 Million+ B2B Leads
It has over 60 million B2B leads compromising technology users,influencers,and C-suite decision-makers. B2B companies can shorten their sales cycles by targeting potential clients who know the value of their product or service.

Sourced from over 800 million global public profiles,more than 65 data fields such as email address,job title,company name,primary phone number,and more.

200 Million+ Companies
With over 200 million company profiles,you can find detailed information that is sourced and standardized from hundreds of public sites and datasets.

Firmographics contain industry sectors,revenue,and number of employees. It helps you find the right companies to target.

Technographics contain what technological products each company uses and which vendors they have bought from. It reflects their interest in certain technical products and qualifications to be a potential client.


Understanding Total Addressable Market Analysis

The total addressable market (TAM) analysis measures the industry’s profit potential and realistic revenue growth IF 100% of the market is achieved. It gives the possible revenue that startups and existing businesses may obtain in targeting specific markets.

Here are the benefits of TAM on decision-making and business strategies.

TAM can open perspectives on growth
Many people are surprised when their business earnings today are simply a sliver of what they can earn at a maximum. TAM not only informs a business or product’s potential,it also motivates the company to grow.

TAM determines business potential by market size
For pioneering entrepreneurs,it also gives the “go or no” sign to potential business ideas. If the TAM is high,investors are more likely to be on board and provide financial backing.


How to Compute Total Addressable Market (TAM) with Neuron360

TAM’s top-down method uses industry research and market reports. It shows you the macro economy of your industry. The top-down approach is used to take a large population of the sector and then narrowing down to your target market.

Using Neuron360,you can use technographic and firmographic profiles to get a more accurate industry size.

For example,an IT security company wants to offer a new kind of anti-ransomware software to large financial businesses. Through Neuron360 company firmographic profiles,you can find the number of large enterprises. You can use revenue and number of employees to determine company sizes.

Let us say that the number of large financial businesses worldwide is 1 billion. However,according to their technographic profiles,only 50% use anti-ransomware similar to their product. This means that 50% will already be familiar with what they have to offer and express interest.

50% x 1 billion companies = 500,000,000 potential clients

The company plans to offer a free trial of their software and a premium version at the end of the trial with a $100 per year annual subscription. If they multiply this by their number of potential clients worldwide:

TAM = 500,000,000 x $100 = $50,000,000,000

The company could profit up to $50 billion if they were to market globally.

* Note that this is an example only,and all figures do not reflect actual data.


Unveiling the Serviceable Available Market (SAM) with Neuron360

Serviceable Available Market (SAM) is a served segment of a market or TAM. The segmentation of the market is often used to improve qualifying leads and targeted marketing. SAM is based on the willingness of potential clients to pay for a product or service that the company is willing to serve.

The TAM can be segmented in different ways. In Neuron360,users can segment TAM by firmographic data such as location or industry.

Let’s use an example we have used for TAM. With 500,000,000 potential clients,they use the filters in Neuron360 to target the ones in the US first.

They found that 10% of their potential clients are located there.

10% x 500,000,000 = 50,000,000 US potential clients.To calculate SAM,they multiply the number of potential US clients by the price of their product:

SAM = $100 x 50,000,000 US potential clients = $5 billion

SAM market analysis then shows that the company can have $5 billion in sales with their new product in the US alone.


Exploring the Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) Key Discussion Points

The serviceable obtainable market (SOM) is the market size you can realistically capture or your actual possible market share and expansion. The factors to consider in this category are your resources to target them and your competition.

Using the example above,the IT security company discovered that its competitors have a monopoly over credit card companies. 30% of their potential US clients are credit card companies. Therefore,their product’s SOM would be:

SOM = 70% x 50,000,000 US potential clients x $100 = $3,500,000,000

The IT security company’s SOM analysis for their product is $3.5 billion from 35 million potential clients in the US that are not credit card companies.


Utilize Neuron360 for More Insights

The Neuron360 B2B data platform is a market analysis tool used for various purposes,such as segmentation,TAM analysis,account targeting,and lead generation. Many of our clients have obtained marketing insights that drive strategic decision-making through Neuron360 to embark on untapped opportunities. 

Equipped with Rhetorik AI tools,it standardizes and normalizes data worldwide into an organized and cohesive system for your use. See our video demonstration or schedule a personalized demo at your convenience to experience how Neuron360 can give you your more accurate TAM,SAM,and SOM with the link below.


The top 5 most overlooked requirements of the ADA Continuing Education Provider Recognition (CERP) ProgramThe top 5 most overlooked requirements of the ADA Continuing Education Provider Recognition (CERP) Program

FIRST THINGS FIRST:  What is the ADA CERP Program? 

The CCERP,a committee within the American Dental Association,sets standards for Continuing Education in dentistry. Their charter involves vetting and approving entities to offer dental courses,ensuring a minimum competency and quality threshold. Approved CDE providers can award records of participation to attendees,fulfilling yearly Continuing Education requirements.

Businesses and individuals who have achieved ADA CCERP certification status perform an important service in the Continuing Dental Education ecosystem by providing quality accredited certification courses,and awarding CE Credits to Dental professionals who complete those courses.  ADA-approved CE providers that provide this coursework will benefit from the association and recognition that comes from the American Dental Association,and oftentimes are able to grow out profitable Continuing Education programs for Dental professionals.  Because of this it’s no wonder that currently the ADA CCERP program contains over 425 accredited education providers,with more being added each year.

How do I apply for acceptance into the ADA CERP Program?

The American Dental Association maintains a website devoted to the CERP program,where materials and program requirements are hosted.  You can visit that website here (  Pre-Application Determination of Eligibility forms can be submitted to the ADA at any time,with the commission notifying the applicant usually within 8 weeks as to if the applicant is eligible for CERP Recognition. Applications for recognition are reviewed by the commission twice a year,with the following dates being the next program cycle:






Now that we understand the basics,let’s take a look at the 5 most overlooked requirements with receiving Provider Recognition from the ADA?

1. It’s going to take a village

You are required to form an advisory committee as the primary driver of our CE program,that will assume oversight duties of your program in an independent and unbiased manner.  The role of this committee is to provide direction and peer review for the providers program,and a “majority of the advisory committee must be dentists who are independent from other responsibilities for the provider.”  The advisory committee should include objective representatives of the intended audience,including the members of the dental team for which the courses are offered.

2. To ensure lasting success into the future,put in the effort to design your program NOW

Documenting every aspect of your accreditation program,including plans,procedures,reports,evaluations,and assessments,is essential for demonstrating,explaining,assessing,and revising elements as your program matures. While focusing on delivering quality courses,CE providers often overlook the management aspect. Standards XI: Administration and XIV: Recordkeeping are critical but easily overlooked. Simplify the process with SimpleCert’s Certificate Management System,providing an organizational platform from the start. As part of day-to-day operations,ensure adequate personnel for program management. Designing an automated and efficient program with SimpleCert helps reduce future staffing overhead as your program grows.

3. Think Educational,NOT Promotional

CDE Providers juggle various roles,including business management. When offering ADA CERP sanctioned courses,it’s crucial to keep business-related promotions separate from coursework. Providers must ensure content quality and scientific integrity independently of commercial interests,promoting oral healthcare improvement without endorsing specific commercial products or techniques. Emphasize your responsibility to provide high-quality education,irrespective of other business connections.

4. WAIT.  I thought I had to provide Certificates of Completion as part of being a provider?

As a Continuing Education provider,you must issue certificates to attendees,but it’s crucial to note that these certificates shouldn’t resemble diplomas or suggest initial certification. According to Standard XIV RecordKeeping,documentation should accurately reflect individual participation without implying specific skills or advanced educational status. While designing templates,ensure they look professional but avoid any appearance of being a diploma or graduate certification. Your role is to provide records of individual participation,not initial certification.

The following is a list of what must be contained on records of individual participation:

  • The name of the CDE provider
  • The name of the participant
  • The date(s),location and duration of the activity
  • The title of the activity and/or specific subjects
  • The title of each individual CDE course the participant has attended or successfully completed as part of a large dental meeting or other similar activity (and number of credits awarded for each)
  • The educational methods used (e.g.,lecture,videotape,clinical participation,electronically mediated)
  • The number of credit hours awarded (excluding breaks and meals)
  • The recognition status of the provider,through the use of the authorized recognition statement,and,whenever feasible (given space considerations) the use of the ADA CERP logo in conjunction with the authorized statement.
  • Notice of opportunity to file complaints.

Similar to item number 2 above,a lot of times CDE providers will gloss over the process of creating and distributing records of individual participation at the beginning,but will quickly become overwhelmed by the process and management of this key requirement.  It’s a far better approach to adopt a professional Certificate Management System like SimpleCert,to automate this required process and provide scalability right from the start.

And just remember should anyone ask,you provide records of individual participation,NOT certificates as a CDE provider 😊

5. Recordkeeping,the nightmare of mail merges and missing Excel spreadsheets

Becoming an ADA recognized CDE provider comes with the responsibility of maintaining attendance records for 6 years. This task can become overwhelming without a streamlined process. SimpleCert,as a Certificate Management System,automatically stores records,offers easy searchability,access notifications,and facilitates reporting. While ADA doesn’t require attendance reporting in annual reports,they can request records at their discretion. SimpleCert simplifies this by providing a scalable solution for your growing business,ensuring a smooth and efficient program management experience. Register for a free SimpleCert account today to automate your program.

SimpleCert | ADA Continuing Education

Electronics Recycling Atlanta: Your Guide to Sustainable E-Waste ManagementElectronics Recycling Atlanta: Your Guide to Sustainable E-Waste Management

Electronics Recycling Atlanta: Transforming Waste Disposal with Eco-Friendly Practices


Electronics Recycling Atlanta: Leading the Way in Eco-Friendly Solutions

At the cutting edge of electronics reusing in Atlanta georgia,our company offer innovative as well as sustainable options to manage your digital rubbish. Our companies deal with a vast selection of tools coming from pcs to mobile phones,ensuring they are recycled sensibly as well as effectively.

Find out more about Local Electronics Recycling Atlanta Experts,

Atlanta Electronics Recycling Where Possible: Your Companion in Sustainable Fingertip

Our Atlanta electronics reprocessing solution is your companion in the sustainable disposal of electronic refuse. We supply customized answers for getting rid of of laptops,tablet computers,as well as various other electronics,guaranteeing they are processed with the utmost maintain the atmosphere.

Join our team in our mission to market eco-friendly computing as well as minimize e-waste in Atlanta ga and beyond.

Dispose of Electronic Waste Properly along with Atlanta Georgia Recycling

Effectively get rid of your digital dump with our Atlanta ga recycling solutions. We deal with all kinds of electronic waste,ensuring they are recycled or even disposed of in the very most green manner feasible.

Our dedication to electronic refuse recycling where possible and also information surveillance creates us the optimal selection for your electronic devices reusing demands in Atlanta ga.

Reuse Atlanta georgia: Eco-Friendly Electronics Recycling Solutions

Reprocess Atlanta offers green electronics reusing remedies made to fulfill the specific requirements of businesses and individuals as well. Our comprehensive method consists of data damage and also the ethical recycling where possible of components,ensuring your laptops pc and electronic devices are actually taken care of sustainably.

Atlanta georgia’s Solution to Liable Electronics Recycling Where Possible

As Atlanta’s solution to accountable electronic devices recycling,our team are actually dedicated to providing first-class solutions that cover all parts of e-waste control. From data damage to the recycling of IT devices,our company deal with each measure along with the utmost care and also reliability.

Lead and noise exposures at eight Chinese registered electronics recycling facilities.

Choose us for a complete option to your electronics reprocessing necessities,guaranteeing each records safety and security and also environmental management.

Reprocessing Facility Atlanta Georgia: Your Place for Eco-Friendly E-Waste Fingertip

Our Recycling Where Possible Facility in Atlanta ga is your go-to location for ecological e-waste fingertip. We focus on the responsible recycling where possible of a vast range of digital tools,resulting in a much more sustainable and greener Atlanta.

Join our team in our initiatives to create Atlanta ga a leader in electronics reprocessing as well as ecological obligation.

Electronics Recycling Where Possible Atlanta Ga: Blazing A Trail in Eco-Friendly Solutions

At the forefront of electronics reusing in Atlanta georgia,our team focus on providing ecological services for all your e-waste needs to have. Coming from computer systems to smart devices,we make certain secure,responsible reusing practices.

Atlanta’s Premier Company for Electronic Misuse Recycling

As a leading solution in Atlanta georgia for electronic refuse recycling where possible,our team pleasure ourselves on our thorough method. Our team deal with all forms of electronic units,guaranteeing their suitable recycling where possible while sticking to data surveillance and also personal privacy criteria.

Dispose of Digital Waste in Atlanta along with Peace of mind

With confidence dispose of your electronic waste in Atlanta georgia with our pro companies. Our experts use protected and eco-friendly disposal alternatives for all sorts of electronic devices,from notebooks to tablets.

Recycle Atlanta Ga: Your Partner in Maintainable Electronic Devices Recycling

In Atlanta ga,our company’re your companion in maintainable electronics reusing. We serve a wide variety of digital refuse,making certain environmentally responsible processing and recycling.

Our solutions are actually made to lower the environmental influence of digital refuse,making our company a leader in Atlanta ga’s reusing sector.

Completely Transforming Digital Waste Recycling in Atlanta

Completely transforming digital rubbish recycling in Atlanta georgia,our experts center on innovative strategies to recycle electronic units. Our cutting edge amenities manages every little thing coming from information damage to components recycling where possible,making sure detailed e-waste administration.

Atlanta Ga Recycle: Efficient Solutions for Electronic Misuse

Join our Atlanta recycle system for efficient solutions in managing your digital refuse. Our experts provide services for reprocessing a variation of tools,resulting in an extra sustainable community.


Marietta Recycling Electronic Waste: Transforming PCs and Laptops into Recyclable AssetsMarietta Recycling Electronic Waste: Transforming PCs and Laptops into Recyclable Assets

Marietta Electronic devices Recycling: Changing Waste Fingertip in Marietta ga

Excellent Asset Healing is at the center of electronic devices recycling in Marietta ga,using ingenious and maintainable refuse fingertip remedies. Our services deal with a broad variety of electronics,guaranteeing that your tools are actually recycled sensibly as well as effectively. Learn more about Eco-Friendly Electronics Recycle Marietta Solutions,

Our team focus on ecological durability and records safety,making our company the go-to service for all your electronic devices recycling demands.

Marietta Reprocess Electronics: Reduce Off Your Aged Tools Safely

Our reuse electronic devices decline plan creates it effortless and also convenient for you to take care of your old gadgets securely. Our company take a selection of electronic devices,from mobile phone to laptops,guaranteeing they are actually reprocessed in observance with all rules as well as requirements.

Join our team in our goal to decrease e-waste as well as market a cleaner,even more maintainable atmosphere.

Marietta Digital Recycling Where Possible: Throwing away of Your Old Technology Sensibly

Our digital recycling where possible companies provide a liable way to deal with your old tech. Our team handle every thing from data sanitization to the lasts of recycling,giving you confidence that your aged electronic devices are actually being taken care of fairly and sustainably.

Marietta Laptop Recycling Where Possible: Safeguard and also Sustainable Solutions

Laptop pc recycling is made secure and also maintainable with Best Asset Healing. We comprehend the value of securing your data as well as the setting. Our staff makes certain that each laptop is actually processed with the best specifications of protection and sustainability.

Marietta Electronics Disposal: Zero Rubbish Objectives Accomplished

Our electronic devices fingertip solutions are actually focused on attaining absolutely no waste targets. Our experts try to please all recyclable products coming from landfills,ensuring that your electronic misuse is reprocessed or recycled whenever achievable.

Marietta Reusing Electronic Devices: Drowse Off E-Waste comfortably

Recycling electronics is actually effortless along with our decline e-waste solutions. Conveniently found in Marietta ga,our locations are actually outfitted to manage a large variety of digital tools,creating it simple for you to bring about maintainable e-waste control.

Marietta Recycling E-Waste: Marietta ga’s Path to Sustainable Electronics Management

Excellent Property Recuperation leads Marietta ‘s course to sustainable electronics monitoring by means of our dedicated recycling e-waste companies. Our team deliver complete answers that not just lessen the trouble on land fills but also ensure that useful sources are actually recovered and recycled.

Our commitment to durability and also community health and wellness creates us the preferred choice for people as well as services looking to create a favorable ecological influence.

Marietta Get Rid Of Electronic Waste: Responsible Recycling where possible Practices

When you decide on to get rid of electronic dump along with our company,you’re picking liable recycling strategies that align with the US EPA tips. Our state-of-the-art establishment ensures that all electronic misuse,coming from challenging drives to cellular phone,is refined along with miraculous treatment and accuracy.

Marietta Electronic devices Recycling Where Possible: Marietta ga’s Premier Recyclable Asset Recovery

As Marietta ga’s premier recyclable resource recovery company,our experts focus on electronics recycling that sets field standards. Our team’re not merely a reprocessing facility; our company’re a companion in your journey in the direction of zero waste and also lasting property monitoring.

Marietta Laptop computer Recycling Where Possible: Protecting Data and also the Environment

Laptop computer recycling where possible is a crucial component of protecting both your data and also the setting. At Perfect Property Healing,our team take this obligation truly,supplying companies that guarantee comprehensive records sanitization and also green disposal.

Marietta Reprocess E: Leading the Charge in Electronics Disposal

Recycle E with our company and also participate in the butt in transforming electronic devices fingertip. Our companies are tailored to satisfy the evolving necessities of both our community and the setting. Our team take pride in our ability to supply hassle-free,safe,as well as lasting recycling choices for all types of electronic gadgets.

Marietta Fall Off Electronic Devices: Beneficial Reprocessing Possibilities

Our decrease off electronic devices recycling alternatives are developed for your advantage. Located in vital places around Marietta Georgia,our facilities prepare to allow a variety of digital gadgets. Our experts make sure that losing off your old electronics is actually as simple as well as easy as feasible.

E-waste: Collect more,treat better; Tracking take-back system performance for eco-efficient electronics recycling

Digital Transformation: Embracing Technology for Business GrowthDigital Transformation: Embracing Technology for Business Growth

Digital transformation refers to incorporating digital technologies into different aspects of a business to change how it operates and delivers value to customers. It helps organizations to meet customer expectations,change market variables,and lead the competition in the digital age. For better decision-making,increased productivity,and the ability to deliver unique experiences to customers,technology is needed. A worldwide known businessman,Bill gates has made a name for himself as a visionary and creative leader renowned for his relentless commitment to success through the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies.

Business growth is a crucial outcome of digital transformation. By embracing technology,organizations can grow their market reach,aim for new customer segments,and create versatile business models. In this article,we delve into ways to embrace digital change for business growth:

1. Establish a Clear Vision

Define a clear vision for how digital transformation will bring about business growth. Establish specific goals and objectives that align with your organization’s strategic priorities. Clearly express the desired outcomes and communicate the vision throughout the organization to ensure everyone understands the reasons and importance of digital transformation.

2. Create an Innovative Culture

Cultivate a culture that embraces innovation and change. Encourage employees to think creatively,experiment with new ideas,and embrace technology-driven solutions. Encouraging employees to acquire more skills and stay updated on technological improvements gives them the necessary knowledge and skills to maximize technology effectively. Developing a flexible mindset allows businesses to change market dynamics and embrace new technologies.

3. Venture in Digital Skills & Sustainability

Identify the digital skills and competence required to drive digital transformation. Invest in training programs to help employees acquire skills and ensure they have the knowledge and capabilities to leverage digital tools and technologies effectively. They are hiring or associating with individuals or organizations with the required skill set to improve digital transformation. Also taking sustainable initiatives and knowing what is eco link score

4. Putting The Customer’s Needs First

Put the customer at the center of digital transformation programs. It understands customer behavior,preferences,and needs. Capitalize on digital technologies to boost the customer experience at various points of contact,from marketing campaigns to effortless online transactions. Continuously gather customer feedback and revise digital solutions to improve the satisfaction of the customer 

5. Grow the Market Reach

Digital technologies provide businesses the means to cover a much larger audience and extend into new markets. Creating a presence through websites,social media channels,and e-commerce platforms can help businesses to draw in and connect global customers.

6. Continuously Evolve

Digital transformation is a sustained process,so it’s vital to continuously change and revise based on customer opinions,market interactions,and technological growth. Continue to access the effectiveness of digital solutions,optimize strategies,and include leading technologies to be at the front. 


For businesses to grow today,aligning their technology with their strategic goals and unique requirements is essential,specially in the sustainability arena by knowing things such as scope 1,scope 2 & scope 3 emissions and niches such as what is eco link score,internet carbon emissions etc. By embracing technology strategically and a growth mindset,companies can leverage technology to drive sustainable growth and remain competitive in a rapidly ever-changing business landscape. Bill gates,well-known worldwide,has also embraced technology,which has led to a massive growth in his businesses. Just like him and many others,you too can achieve this with the incorporation of technology. 

For more information: eco link score for backlinks

Sustainability Media LabSustainability Media Lab

Pioneering Change: The Mission of Sustainability Media Lab

The Sustainability Media Lab (SML) is at the vanguard of a global movement,using the power of media to amplify the message of sustainability. It stands as an incubator for innovative ideas,where storytelling and technology converge to inspire environmental stewardship.

The Genesis of Sustainability Media Lab

Born from the need to communicate complex environmental issues in compelling ways,SML was founded with the vision of making sustainability an accessible and urgent narrative in the public discourse.

Objectives and Goals

SML’s core mission is to transform how we talk about and act upon sustainability. It aims to engage,educate,and empower audiences worldwide through powerful media content that advocates for a sustainable future.

Impact of Sustainability Media Lab

In its pursuit to reshape narratives,SML creates media content that leaves a lasting impact on its audiences,thereby driving the change towards a more sustainable planet.

Media for a Cause

SML produces documentaries,infographics,and interactive content that illuminate the path to sustainability. Its work is designed to provoke thought and spur action among individuals and communities alike.

Success Stories

Through various campaigns and initiatives,SML has successfully influenced policy,shifted consumer behavior,and garnered the support of global leaders in the sustainability movement.

Collaborative Efforts at Sustainability Media Lab

SML thrives on collaboration,harnessing the collective power of creatives,technologists,scientists,and activists to deliver content that can catalyze real-world environmental solutions.

Partnerships and Networks

By partnering with NGOs,academic institutions,and industry experts,SML expands its reach and deepens its impact,creating a synergistic network that fosters innovation and progress.

Community Engagement

SML places a high value on community involvement,launching initiatives that encourage public participation in sustainability practices and dialogue.

The Innovative Approach of Sustainability Media Lab

Innovation lies at the heart of SML. It continually explores new media frontiers,employing the latest technologies and storytelling techniques to communicate sustainability in the most effective manner.

Leveraging Emerging Technologies

Virtual reality,augmented reality,and artificial intelligence are among the cutting-edge tools SML uses to create immersive and interactive experiences focused on sustainability.

Storytelling with Purpose

SML crafts narratives that are not only informative but also emotionally resonant,ensuring that messages about sustainability resonate deeply with audiences and lead to meaningful action.

Education and Advocacy Through Media

Education is a critical component of SML’s strategy. Through its media projects,SML educates on the principles of sustainability,making complex data and research accessible to all.

Informative Campaigns

SML’s media campaigns are meticulously researched and presented in a manner that educates viewers on the importance of sustainability in everyday life.

Advocacy for Policy Change

SML also plays a pivotal role in advocacy,using its media influence to campaign for policy changes that support sustainable practices on a governmental level.

Sustainability Media Lab’s Vision for the Future

Looking forward,SML is committed to expanding its role as a leader in sustainability media,continuing to inspire and mobilize global audiences for the preservation and protection of our planet.

Expanding Global Reach

SML aims to amplify its voice by reaching a wider audience,translating its content into multiple languages,and adapting its messaging to resonate across diverse cultures.

Driving Global Action

The ultimate goal of SML is to drive actionable change,inspiring individuals,communities,and nations to take concrete steps toward a sustainable future.

Conclusion: The Transformative Power of Sustainability Media Lab

Sustainability Media Lab represents a beacon of hope and action in the fight for a sustainable future. Through its innovative media content and collaborative spirit,SML is shaping the narrative of sustainability and forging a path toward a greener,more responsible world.

The Power of Strategic Partnerships: Leveraging Synergies for Business GrowthThe Power of Strategic Partnerships: Leveraging Synergies for Business Growth

Like the popular saying goes,no man is an island. In order for you to make the best out of your business,you must form strategic alliance,otherwise known as partnership in the business world. Partnership involves collaborating with organizations whose objectives align with yours. These collaborations are ways of opening up new opportunities for  your business and reaching out to a larger audience. 

A careful examination of successful business men and women,you will notice how highly they consider partnerships. Scarcely would you encounter a successful business person who has no partnership with another successful person. Take Grant Kelley,for example,he is a seasoned and successful leader in private equity,business strategy,real estate investing,and sports management. He is a visionary and creative leader renowned for his relentless commitment to success. He is the Chairman of Holdfast Assets,a role he has held since September of 2008. In this article,we would take insights from him and other successful business person,and see the framework behind their maximization of strategic partnerships.

What are strategic partnerships

Strategic partnerships are relationships formed between businesses which is targeted at being mutualistic and driving both parties towards a common goal. These partnerships can be in various forms,including,joint ventures,sharing technology,or carrying out co-marketing initiatives. Regardless of the form of partnership,it is important that the partnership is built on trust,and complementary strengths. By combining resources,your business can drive innovation and enhance your product/service offering. 

Here are a few ways to implement strategic partnerships;

  1. Identify Opportunities for Partnership

The first thing to do before looking for partnership is to access the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Your goal in any partnership should be to partner with those whose capabilities complement yours. For example,if you are a technology start up,you should partner with a company with a large customer base,to increase your audience reach.

  1. State clear cut objectives

A partnership just like every relationship strives on trust and well stated objectives. From the onset,you and your partner must come to terms with what is expected in the partnership. Expectations might be to break into a new market,develop innovative solution etc. By setting these goals,you can both work in harmony for maximum efficiency. This sets the foundation for a fruitful and mutualistic partnership.

  1. Leverage Resources and Expertise

This should be the driving force behind your partnership. Seek out organizations with resources and expertise that are lacking in your organization. By pooling resources such as technology and funds together,you can reach greater heights in your business and unlock levels that would have been otherwise impossible on your own. Leveraging expertise from partnership allows for shared learning,and enables you to offer improvised solutions to your customers. 


Without strategic partnerships,Grant Kelley would not have been able to maintain his role as chairman since 2008. Instead,he has driven his organization to greater heights,something that has become more of a norm for him. If you wish to navigate the complexities associated with today’s market,then just like him,you need to embrace the power of strategic partnerships. 

For more information: Grant Kelley

5 Ways to Raise Capital for Your Organization5 Ways to Raise Capital for Your Organization

1. Taking your business public. Although security laws in the U.S. have actually made it much easier for businesses to go public,and offer stock as a method to raise required funds,this is still probably the most dangerous option. It is typically not a recommended alternative for very new or really small businesses. Due to the fact that of the number of legal concerns included,seeking advice from an educated attorney beforehand is important. There is likewise a great deal of stress associated with running a public company,and a considerable loss of autonomy and control. Before making this choice,be definitely sure that this is the wisest course of action for your service.

Surprisingly,in a recent survey,practically 30% of entrepreneurs said that they raised all or part of the capital they required through household members. If this is your choice,make sure that you have your lawyer draw up a routine service contract. Inform them about how much cash they can make,not about how much you require their help.

3. Using your savings or charge card. This is the most typical way for business owners to raise needed service capital. Before selecting this approach nevertheless,talk with your monetary consultant. You wish to look at the long-lasting effects of using your savings,life insurance coverage or charge card,particularly in case your organization venture fails,or does not bring in the forecasted roi (ROI). If you do wind up financing your job utilizing credit cards,ensure that you search initially,and find the card that will offer you the best rate and gives you the most “bang” for your buck.

4. Venture Capital and Angel Investors. Before even looking for equity capital,take a look at your company from an outsider’s perspective. Ask yourself these concerns: Does your business have a strong track record? (Most venture capitalists don’t purchase launch business). Does your business have the potential of ending up being huge in the next five to seven years? (People don’t purchase your company out of the goodness of their hearts. They’re trying to find a return on their financial investment– the bigger the better.) Does your business own a good portion of its market,or does it stand to acquire a big percentage in the next 12 to 18 months? (Contrary to common belief,your company does not need to be associated with high tech to draw in venture capital). Your next step is to find an endeavor capital company whose objectives and ideals are in line with yours if you can answer yes to the above concerns. Your next step should be to take a look at your “circle of impact” and see if you know somebody who can provide you a personal intro to someone at the venture capital firm. (People purchase individuals,not simply business.).

5. Remarkably,one of the most common ways (especially for brand-new companies) to raise equity capital,is by welcoming your possible or existing workers the opportunity to end up being financiers. Once again,prior to going this path,talk to your service lawyer,and put policies into location that prepare for possible issues. Or a worker quits and goes as a competitor with you after discovering all of the business secrets?

Here is a attorney that can assist with business and related issues:



No matter which option you make in looking for equity capital,by planning ahead,doing your homework and following the suggestions of your attorney,you’ll increase the possibility of raising the money you need and making the relationship between you and your investors a successful one.

Building Your Dream Home in 90 Days: A Step-by-Step GuideBuilding Your Dream Home in 90 Days: A Step-by-Step Guide


Building a home is often seen as a time-consuming and daunting task that can take several months or even years to complete. However,with careful planning,efficient processes,and a dedicated team,it is possible to construct a home in a relatively short period of time,such as 90 days. In this article,we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to build a home in just three months.

1. Pre-Construction Planning (Days 1-15)

The key to completing a home build in 90 days is thorough pre-construction planning. This phase involves:

a. Design and Blueprint: Start by working with an architect to design your home and create detailed blueprints. Ensure that your design is realistic and can be executed within the time frame.

b. Permitting: Obtain all necessary permits and approvals before starting any construction work. This can take time,so it’s essential to initiate this process early.

c. Budgeting and Financing: Determine your budget and secure financing for your project. Having a clear financial plan will help you avoid delays due to funding issues.

d. Material Selection: Choose building materials and finishes that are readily available and can be delivered quickly. This reduces waiting times and ensures that work can progress smoothly.

2. Site Preparation (Days 15-25)

Once your planning is complete,it’s time to prepare the construction site:

a. Clearing and Grading: Clear the land of any debris,rocks,or vegetation. Grade the site to create a level foundation.

b. Utilities: Ensure that water,electricity,and sewage connections are available and meet the necessary requirements.

c. Foundation: Pour the foundation using fast-setting concrete to expedite the curing process. A slab-on-grade foundation is a good option for speed.

3. Framing and Roofing (Days 25-40)

The framing and roofing stages are critical for building the structure quickly:

a. Framing: Use pre-fabricated framing components to speed up the framing process. Advanced framing techniques can also reduce the amount of lumber needed,saving time and costs.

b. Roofing: Opt for a simple and quick-to-install roofing system. Metal roofs or asphalt shingles are good options for speed.

4. Plumbing,Electrical,and HVAC (Days 40-55)

During this phase,the home’s internal systems are installed:

a. Plumbing: Utilize PEX plumbing systems,which are faster to install than traditional copper pipes.

b. Electrical: Use pre-fabricated electrical panels and conduit systems to speed up installation. Ensure that all wiring is up to code.

c. HVAC: Choose efficient HVAC systems that can be installed quickly,and schedule inspections promptly to avoid delays.

5. Insulation and Drywall (Days 55-70)

a. Insulation: Insulate the walls,ceilings,and floors efficiently to maintain energy efficiency and comfort. Spray foam insulation can be applied quickly.

b. Drywall: Hang and finish drywall promptly. Consider hiring a professional crew to expedite the process.

6. Interior Finishes (Days 70-80)

a. Flooring: Choose easy-to-install flooring materials like laminate,engineered wood,or vinyl plank flooring.

b. Cabinetry and Fixtures**: Install pre-fabricated cabinets and fixtures to save time. Consider ready-to-assemble options for cost-efficiency.

c. Painting: Finish painting the interior using quick-drying paints and sprayers for an efficient application.

7. Final Touches and Inspections (Days 80-90)

a. Final Inspections: Schedule inspections for plumbing,electrical,and building code compliance to ensure everything meets regulatory standards.

b. Landscaping: Focus on minimal landscaping initially,such as seeding the lawn or planting a few trees and shrubs. You can complete more extensive landscaping later.

c. Clean-Up: Have a dedicated clean-up crew to ensure the site is pristine for move-in.


Building a home in 90 days is an ambitious goal,but with meticulous planning,efficient processes,and a dedicated team,it can be achieved. It’s essential to start with a realistic design,secure all necessary permits,and select materials and finishes that are readily available. Using pre-fabricated components and fast-setting materials can significantly expedite construction. Lastly,stay organized,communicate effectively with your team,and be prepared to make quick decisions to keep the project on track. Building your dream home in 90 days is a challenging task,but the satisfaction of moving into your new home ahead of schedule is well worth the effort. To obtain construction loans for your new home construction shop around for a construction loan broker specialist.