Thomas Aboan Hanger Online Blogging Essential Tips to Make an Effective Corporate Video

Essential Tips to Make an Effective Corporate Video

When planning to make effective video,you have to find essential tips to deliver what’s required of you. First of all,you must understand that shooting a video is not a walk in the park. Your corporate video Singapore is going to portray a good reputation of your company and sell you in the eyes of your guests. If you’re wondering how things work,here are essential tips to consider when shooting your video. Here are some of the tips from Motionsauce.

1. Get Organized

Video shooting involves a lot of preparation and you cannot fail to get organized. When you’re organized,you’ll have enough time to complete your tasks and stick to all the activities to be done. With the mix up of activities of the day,you can find it difficult to get organized for all the shooting activities. Ensure you create a to-do list every day. Once you complete any of the scheduled items,check it off your list. Doing this will ensure you don’t forget anything and complete everything on time to uphold the dignity of your business.

2. Offer Great Service

Offering an exceptional service is another essential tip for making an effective corporate video Singapore. In this generation of lots of business opportunities,making a great video will sell you out to potential clients. Make sure you have a reliable team who’re passionate about their work and can do their work well. Quality work is always better than quantity.

3. Be Consistent

Consistency is another essential key for making effective corporate video project. The growth of your business depends on how consistent and determined you are. You only have to keep doing all that is necessary to ensure you achieve a successful day in and day out. Make sure your work is satisfactory and maintain the same quality throughout. Give no room to shoddy work.

4. Stay Focused

It is said that ”Rome wasn’t built in a day”,it also apply in making effective video shooting. Since you’ll be making the video for many reasons,make sure you stick to your goal. Don’t rush if you want a great outcome. Take your time to plan,strategize and come up with the best video your organization have ever made.

5. Be Creative

If you’re looking forward to making an effective corporate video,then creativity is one of the essential factors to consider. You can never ignore the need for creativity is you want to come up with a great video. Always try to source for the best ways to improve your video and make it stand out from the competition.

Bottom Line

The ideal for being creative,staying consistency and staying focus are some of the essential tips to make an effective corporation video. Remember,you’re doing this for your company,your clients,and the shareholders. Never take anything for granted when preparing,shooting or editing your video.

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Is It True? Are There Really Pharmaceuticals in our Drinking Water?Is It True? Are There Really Pharmaceuticals in our Drinking Water?

Is It True? Are There Really Pharmaceuticals in our Drinking Water?


When the World Health Organisation decides to commit to a study on pharmaceuticals in our water, you know there`s a reason.

Here`s an excerpt from the study.

Pharmaceuticals are synthetic or natural chemicals that can be found in prescription medicines, over-the-counter therapeutic drugs and veterinary drugs. Pharmaceuticals contain active ingredients that have been designed to have pharmacological effects and confer significant benefits to society. The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the environment and the water cycle at trace levels (in the range of nanograms to low micrograms per litre) has been widely discussed and published in literature in the past decade. The increase in detection is largely attributable to the advances in analytical techniques and instrumentation. Many surveys and studies have confirmed the presence of pharmaceuticals in municipal wastewater and effluents, and these have been identified as a major source of pharmaceuticals in drinking water.

So yes, it is in our water. It comes from many sources, but one that surprised me was the simple act of taking a dip in a river. It appears that if we are ón meds`, then we are also sweating them out. This med-laden sweat ends up in the water.

Activated carbon is the simplest way to reduce pharmaceuticals in your home water. No, we can`t tell you exactly how much of every pharmaceutical they will remove, but the WHO report recommends their use.

(In my filter, I use catalytic carbon – around 8 x more effective than common activated carbon.)

Carbon, the report says, can achieve high removal of pharmaceutical target compounds, especially hydrophobic compounds. As with all contaminants, removal efficacy is a function of contact time, organic loading, chemical structure, solubility and carbon type (Ternes et al., 2002; Yoon Y. et al., 2003; Snyder et al., 2006) And there are some that are still resistant, such as: Iopromide, ibuprofen, meprobamate, sulfamethoxazole and diclofenac . (Khiari, 2007).

Here`s my take on this issue.

1. It`s a good thing we know about the problem.

2. The amounts of pharmaceuticals in our drinking water and their effects on us will relate – obviously – to how much tap water we drink.

3. We have had people criticising us about being alarmist to sell water filters.
I understand where they are coming from. The world has two kinds of people: those who believe they are taking in contaminants in a therapeutically negative amount, and those who simply choose not to believe it despite the evidence.

4. I am inspired by Erin Brockovitch more than by the Managing Director of Monsanto. Erin understood that we are all living on a polluted planet. She acted to change her region, and she succeeded.

We absorb contaminants through the plastics we use for almost everything, through the air, through our water, our food, through our clothes, even through our mattress as we sleep!

A report I read some years ago concluded that an average US female had a minimum of 600 contaminants in the body.

So yes, pharmaceuticals in your water are still what our experts label as low dose. But we all know that`s not all, is it? There`s the carcinogenic chlorine, its nasty co-carcinogen chloramine, there`s brain affecting fluoride, lead from old pipes…. and that`s just the water!

I prefer to see myself as a pragmatist than an alarmist and what I do with the lives of myself and my family matters first to me. In my position I read hundreds of reports on adverse water quality.. but I don`t it as the total picture. I see it as a factor I can affect – something I can consciously subtract from the daily list of contaminants I have unthinkingly absorbed and stored. By doing so I`m reducing the possibility of a tipping point event where my body metabolism simply gives up due to the overload of `safe`doses of hundreds of nasties.

Here`s my personal bottom line. What`s yours?
If indeed we do already have hundreds of different contaminants in our cells, my awareness gives me the chance to begin dismantling this growing threat to my health, even if I have to do it one by one.

I can`t dismiss the obvious observation that as a nation we all seem fat.
And yet we are also also seeing stranger symptoms. Manboobs. Sterility. Ongoing seemingly infinitely variable undiagnosable symptoms. As I see it, it`s very likely that these unheard-of symptoms may relate to a toxic soup of contaminants from all of the sources I mentioned earlier. Fat may simply be inflammation. medically speaking, it`s called chronic low level inflammation. Hmm. that word again. “Low level”.

I can`t remove all of them..
well, I may be able to – but it`d be a concerted and painful detoxification process… but I do have the power in my own hands to identify their source, and do whatever it takes to remove them from my life.

Just a water Filter Salesman?

To answer my critics who say I`m just trying to sell you a water filter.. yes, they are right.

But is there anyone else who has alerted you to the problem and handed you a solution? No.

If a doctor walked up to you on the street and said I am a doctor and I can tell you have …. disease, would you judge him for it?

I`m not a doctor. I`ve only spent the last 18 years studying our drinking water and supplying solutions.

So you make the call.
Am I worth listening to? Or am I just trying to sell you something? Or both?

I am the inventor of what I believe is the most advanced simple water filter on the market. We`ve broken the rules of the industry – one that (I have observed) prefers to tell the customer as little as possible about how well their products really work.

I have taken the steps to test its capability for the whole of its life: something I`ve never seen done before for any water filter. I`ve had it approved by the EU safety committee. I`ve run it through an exhaustive University lab. I`ve sourced every filter media from USA rather than the far east. I am proud of what I and my team have achieved in helping over 20,000 people, and receiving their letters of gratitude.
Learn more about my invention, the UltraStream here
Download the WHO report on pharmaceuticals in our water here

Thanks for your time!

Ian Blair Hamilton

Dental Care located in Holborn, LondonDental Care located in Holborn, London

Dental health is vitally important to maintaining both a beautiful smile as well as overall wellness, and Camden dentists offer comprehensive dental services to keep your teeth and gums as fit as you can.

Dentistry is a thriving field with many areas of specialization. Dentistry also includes related disciplines like maxillofacial and oral surgery, pediatric dentistry and endodontics. Get more information at Camden Dentist Forest and Ray on WordPress.

Dental Implants

Implants for dental care, composed of titanium alloy and work with the jawbone, forming a foundation for bridges and crowns that replace teeth that are damaged or missing is among the best methods to replace these.

Your dentist will check the health and condition of your jawbone before determining if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. The dental health of your jawbone as well as the overall oral health will be taken into consideration.

It is crucial to seek immediate treatment if you’ve damaged or lost teeth. This will help to keep the healthy tooth structure. Patients who have experienced significant loss of bone may require a bone-graft procedure to prepare their jaws for the dental implant.

The dentist will take any decayed or damaged tissue from your tooth before making your gums suitable for the crown or bridge. After a thorough examination the dentist will suggest the most appropriate treatment for you based on the specifics of what is unique to you.

In the course of the implant placement process dentists utilize either a drill or osteotomy to insert titanium screws into jawbone. Once in place, these need to undergo osseointegration. This fuses them permanently into their new places of residence while also protecting bone loss and making the new tooth appear as natural.

After the implant has been placed, a dentist will place a bridge or crown over it. This usually takes between up to 6 months.

To keep the gums healthy, it is important to brush and floss daily to remove plaque. Additionally, an antibacterial mouth rinse can in reducing the growth of bacteria.

Forest and Ray Forest and Ray Camden, London offers a wide range of dental implant options and All-on Four Implants, which provide complete sets of permanent tooth in one visit!

Dental implants are fast becoming one of the sought-after restorative procedures in dentistry. It is the appearance of natural teeth and a comfortable way to substitute missing teeth. In contrast to dentures that are attached with adhesives which can loosen with time, dental implant provide secure and long-term solutions. It’s no longer necessary to remove dental implants due to reasons of hygiene.

Teeth Whitening

If you’re looking to improve the brightness or color of their teeth with dental whitening can benefit from a option which is safe and proven. Dental whitening can provide you with bright white smiles that increase confidence and provide you with the perfect smile!

The teeth can be discolored because of a variety of reasons such as drinking excessive tobacco and coffee products smoking, using specific medications like tetracycline for instance, or exposure to chemical agents like fluoride. A skilled dentist should be able to assess why your teeth have discoloured, and provide you with an effective whitening treatment to resolve the issue.

Visit your Camden dentists for expert treatment for whitening. Dentists can design custom trays by taking impressions, and then apply bleaching treatments directly on your teeth.

Typically, multiple visits will be required to achieve the desired results. It’s crucial to realize that this effect will not be permanent, and taking good care of them with the dental team keeps your smile looking its best.

The foods and drinks which stain your teeth should also be avoided. It is a good idea to rinse your mouth out with water if you drink coffee, tea or wine frequently.

Your dentist will also perform a comprehensive cleaning to remove any buildup or plaque on your teeth, enabling bleaching solutions to better be able to adhere to them.

When your whitening is finished Once your trays have been cleaned, they can be at home and used at your convenience. The trays must be used at least 30-60 minutes each time for a period of up to 6 weeks or more, depending upon the whitening solution you decide to use.

Teeth whitening in Camden is a fast inexpensive and easy way to quickly enhance the color of your smile. Contact us now to find out more about this treatment. Our helpful staff is waiting!

Camden Dentist

Teeth Straightening

If your teeth are in a crooked position or misaligned, there’s many options to correct these issues. The treatment of straightening improves the health of your teeth and correct bite issues while creating beautiful smiles – as well as increasing confidence in yourself as well as making new social connections!

Through reducing the accumulation of plaque, straighter smiles help to prevent oral diseases like tooth decay and gingivitis.

London has a range of options to straighten your teeth, including Invisalign and other traditional braces. Camden dentists can advise you on the best choice that is suitable for you based on your budget and individual needs.

Invisalign is now a sought-after option because it uses removable aligners which are discreet and comfortable, as opposed to traditional metal braces. They must be removed prior to eating or drinking, and are virtually undetectable.

The clear aligners are constructed from a particular material that fits perfectly over the teeth. They provide a non-obvious solution to crooked teeth and enhance appearance. Their alignment system gradually moves teeth into new position, more straight.

Lingual braces which are placed within the teeth, are another popular solution. Since they’re completely invisible to others They offer those who want straighter smiles an ideal way to achieve them without being noticed by others.

Straight teeth can also assist in fighting sleep apnea, a commonly-occurring disorder that causes people to stop breathing while sleeping. If you can align your jaw properly Invisalign, lingual braces or Invisalign assist in treating this problem by making sure there aren’t any tissues which interfere with airways.

Invisalign is a tried and tested method to straighten teeth. It has been available for over 15 years. With clear plastic aligners, treatment time typically ranges from 6 to 18 months.

Invisalign can be a great solution for people who don’t enjoy the appearance of braces. It is also suitable for correcting most types of teeth that are unbalanced. Additionally, Invisalign can be beneficial for both adults and children who have moderate to mild dental problems.


Dental Hygienists support their patients in caring for their teeth, as well as preventing oral diseases and cultivating the best dental hygiene practices. They conduct initial screenings and make photographs (to get rid of plaque) of the patient’s teeth. They also help educate patients on oral health issues and help dentists treat gum or teeth conditions.

In a dental office, dental hygienists are under the direction and supervision of dentists. They assist in the diagnosis of dental problems and procedures, fluoride treatment of teeth, sealants or preparing patients for dental surgical procedures.

Dental hygienists who are professionals also instruct the proper way to maintain their dental health to their patients. They offer tips on brushing and flossing and diet changes that might impact dental health. Furthermore, they assist in making impressions for dental implants, bridges, dentures or any other devices required.

Most dental hygienists possess at least an Associate’s Level in Dental Hygiene. However they may also have additional knowledge or training. All must pass both the written National Board Exam and clinical state exam in their respective states before being able to practice dentistry.

The projected rise in employment of dental hygienists will be 9 percent per year between 2021-2031. This is more than the total job growth of all professions. Their median annual salary was at $77,810 at the time of May 20, 2021.

They also take out tartar, plaque and other soft and hard deposits that can cause gum disease or tooth decay. The specialists remove sutures prior to any dental surgery and prepare patients for any procedure.

As a hygienist, can pursue an associate’s diploma in a related field and study in order to become a dentist surgeon; or seek additional qualifications for advanced jobs in research, school health and public health areas. Or complete a bachelor’s degree program that allows for employment opportunities in the education sector or the clinical environment or advanced post-doctoral positions in doctoral programs.

Dental hygienists may specialize in particular areas, such as pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, or the replacement of missing teeth. Some dental hygienists may perform procedures or surgeries that require special training. Hygienists provide general dentistry, and they work with all age groups. They also use dental sealants on fissures that are located on the back teeth of children, which can prevent tooth decay.

7 tactics to keep your organization secure7 tactics to keep your organization secure

Our Safety and security & Alarm expert gives some guidance on Business Security: Always keeping your buildings safe is one of the major worries of all company managers. Burglary is one of the most common criminal offenses to impact an enterprise and the impact can be far reaching. Get in touch with -

Here`s just how you can update your Organization Safety and security to keep things secure this year.

Check out your locks

This may seem like an apparent factor, but you `d be surprised how many people forget even the most basic of security steps. Locks are one of the most basic safety measures, they should never be forgotten. Make certain that all locks on your buildings work proficiently.

Check your lighting

Ingenious use of lighting is another great way to discourage prospective intruders. Think of investing in security lights to accompany you new alarm system or set your lights on random timers to give the impression that personnel are working late.

Carry out frequent checks

Even the best devices in the world is no use if it does not operate correctly. Modern technology is not foolproof, so it`s vital that you examine your security systems frequently to make sure everything is in working order. Talk to us about this -


Warning devices can act as a strong deterrent to prospective criminals as they don`t want to be caught out triggering an alarm system. For this reason, investing in an up-to-date alarm system is one of the crucial measures to enhancing your safety and security.

Improve your CCTV

CCTV has come a long way from where it first started. No longer are images grainy and unclear, cameras will give you a crystal-clear sight of your organization properties, ensuring that any intruders are easily recognizable. If you haven`t done so in a while, updating your CCTV systems are one of the key things to do to ensure your organizations` safety.

Introduce access control

Access control systems give you full control over who can and can`t get into your property. While keys can be copied, and locks can break, access control is much more contemporary technique to make sure your enterprise property is totally protected.

Acquire advice from the professionals

If you`re uncertain about the best security options for your organization, why not get in touch with an expert? At - we know a thing or two about alarm systems and CCTV, and we`re always happy to advise on Organization Safety and security so you can take the best course of action.